Wednesday 15 January 2014


For those of you who know me you will know I've done a little modelling for friends in the past and went to London for a shoot which was amazing. I also applied for Tyne Tees Models but wasn't that successful which made me give up modelling for a while but i have been asked by a photographer to come in a model for them as they think i look great in front of the camera so now that i have changed my look (hair cut) i think i feel more confident in myself to get back in front of the camera and get new images.

Who knows i might apply for Tyne Tees again and be successful one can dream can't they?!

It's going to be weird being in front of the camera after so long being behind it but it should be fun.

Portfolio Project

So this week i started sorting out my new project which is about getting images together for my portfolio. I have looked at my old shoots and picked a few images i would like to include in my portfolio.

Last week i shot a shoot to go towards my portfolio so please find attached firstly a few images i want to include and secondly a few images from my recent shoot:

 (Above Possible Images for portfolio
Below Images from recent shoot)

Lara Jade

I've followed Lara for a few year now as i find her work amazing. Not only did she come from over here she is now massive and lives/works in one of the biggest cities in the world New York.

I recently sent her an email to ask about how she started out and for any tips and with her being so busy the only thing she could do was send me a reply with some links to a few interviews she has done. Getting a response even as little as that is amazing and for her to take te time to send the email was a shock in itself.

She also recently posted on Facebook a few helpful tips and magazines to try and get work published so i shall be giving that a try and blogging it very soon.

Traver Rains

I've recently discovered a new photographer who i actually love and admire the work of. I came about this person through instagram after a celebrity uploaded a photo of her new clothing range and tagged him in the picture. I decided to google him and it turns out he is a fashion designer turned photographer.

His work is very similar to Terry Richardsons which is probably why i adore it. It is so simple yet so elegant and i found out he took the photo of Aubrey O'Day which i tried to recreate (as spoke about in a previous post)

His name is Traver Rains so go check him out.

Saturday 4 January 2014

The Army Girl

I had the pleasure of photographing one of my friends who is currently in the army so for her to come in and let me get a few images of hr while she was on leave was amazing and such a great opportunity to ask her about her life. I already knew she had a very fashionable lifestyle in comparison to her army lifestyle this led me to photograph her with inspiration from a musical and TV icon Ariana Grande. I decided to use her as inspiration for the shoot because she is very beautiful and fashionable like Lauren and for some reason she reminds me of her the main image for inspiration was the one below for her Seventeen Magazine cover shoot;

This image inspired me because it is fun and girly which is what i wanted to show in my photos of Lauren because yes she's in the army which is seen as a masculine job but she has this very girly side to her. Check out my image below to also see more from the shoot make sure to check out;

Miley Cyrus

I am such a huge fan of Miley Cyrus regardless of her transition from teen star to young adult i think she is flawless and below are some photos that i think are beyond stunning and inspirational;

Unseen shoot

I was going through my laptop a few days back and came upon a shoot that i enjoyed doing with a great model but totally forgot to upload it so after uploading the images to Facebook I've eventually got around to putting them on here so take a look and enjoy.

Fitness Shoot

So just before Christmas i got the opportunity to attempt my first ever fitness photoshoot. This was something i had never done before but i am always willing to give everything a try once. I got help off my tutors with how i would go about with setting the lighting up to help show off the main areas in a fitness shoot this being the muscle.

The model who wanted the images was great to photograph they were genuine and down to earth so it made the shoot much easier to go about.

For it being my first attempt i believe the shoot went well check out some of the images below;